AVSED offers a range of health programmes...
To find out more email info@avsed.org.uk or call 01132501702

Our social therapy group for members newly diagnosed with dementia. Running on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoon of the month. These sessions follow the principles of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST), and provide a portfolio of support to develop independent development and maintainance of meaningful activities.
Activity - £3.00 Transport - £4.00
Suitable for members for a recent or early diagnosis of Dementia.

Our weekly inclusion group and part of the ‘time apart’ programme.
Open group to support various needs including 1 to 1 and personal assistance if needed. (Not intensive support/care or assistance.) Our aim is to offer an all-round activity that works to bring down barriers to participation. This is a nurturing group, delivered alongside additional home support and casework, to develop action plans and solutions.
Activity - £6.00 Transport - £4.00
Suitable for members who need additional support to participate or interact with groups. Suitable for members with mild dementia and memory loss, sensory impairment, low-level personal care, low-level mental health and mobility.
Assessment via the AVSED team. Low-level security, personal care and support available to allow carers’ respite.

AVSED’s monthly Memory Café. Part of our ‘time together’ programme for carers and cared for with dementia or memory loss. Light/low key entertainment around music and singing in a mutual support setting that is friendly, accepting and encouraging.
A safe space to enjoy time together, seek and offer support and build friendships.
Tea/coffee and cakes served throughout. Raffle and Hoy game.
Activity - £3.00 (Raffle £1) Transport - £4.00
Suitable for those with mild to moderate dementia able to attend with their carers/family.